The Melody Man
ALEXANDER CERUZZI was born in Port Chester, New York. His musical career started at the age of 4 with accordion lessons. Alex developed into a recognized jazz musician with a jazz accordion style similar to that of the great Art Van Damme. He graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Music Education and taught high school instrumental and vocal music in Illinois and Iowa. Born with a rare musical gift known as "perfect pitch", Alex can identify notes, chords, key signatures, and so forth as he listens to a piece of music without seeing the actual notes. The reverse is also true - he can look at a musical score and automatically hear the notes. This gift has enabled him to write all kinds of music, including rhythm and blues, country, gambling themes, patriotic songs, Christian songs, and Christmas music. Alex has received Song of the Year honors for his song "Dumpster Diving" in 2010, for his song "One More Time" in 2013, for his song "Christmas Holiday" in 2014 and for his song "Jesus Forgive Me" in 2015. His hobbies include cooking Italian food and playing the game of live keno. In fact, he composed a keno song called "Gonna Play Some Keno" on his "All In a Gamblers Song Collection" CD in honor of this game. Alex believes in living life fully, with enthusiasm, commitment, joy, and love, and strives to convey all this through his love of music.
♪♪♪ Jingle, Jingle, Jingles ♪♪♪
Does your business
need a creative advertising jingle to identify your company in song? Alex will
create your jingle lyrics and have it produced musically. Alex's
jingle for his
Italian Sausage Spice mix can be seen by clicking on the tab
Sausage Spice.
Alex the (melody man) will let you hear on an individual basis, advertising
jingles he has written as samples of what he can deliver.
Alex's Patented Invention:
"Stick On Stylus Holder"
Never lose your stylus again with this easy to use stylus holder.
To learn more about Alex's invention click here.